

Trupti Kulkarni, is an active Mumbai-based diet & lifestyle expert who strives clarify healthy eating. She pursued her Post Graduation Degree in Clinical Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Service Management from IHMCTAN. As a life member of Indian Dietetic Association, qualified Diabetes Educator, a Health Coach, Supplement Strategist, Expert in Nutrigenomics, a certified Onconutritionist  and an active speaker at various corporate health talks, Trupti's mission is to inculcate healthy lifestyle habits among people and to enable them be the best version of themselves. 
A clinical dietician with experience over 20 years in the field of healthcare and wellness, she has counselled over 8,000 patients for varied conditions like lifestyle modification, geriatric and paediatric nutrition, obesity management, weight gain, PCOS and women health, hypothyroidism, diabetes management and pregnancy.

Having closely worked as a dietitian with top MNC's like Apollo Sugar Clinics, Talwalkar's, VLCC and KAYA, she believes in a philosophy that diets, just like clothes, should be tailor-made because every individual is different and there is no one-size-fits-all.  Experienced in adapting to the client’s needs, motivating patients through a clear and concise explanation and proven results, she has built an outstanding reputation by treating patients as individuals; providing the care, compassion and time they deserve to optimize their health and wellbeing, whether it be for general healthy eating, disease prevention, symptom management or recovery from illness.

Motivated by a dream to improve thousands of lives with food, Trupti, has been reshaping lives with practical and easy to follow nutritional health plans. She is a dedicated professional with a passion for improving client health, wellness and quality of life.

She works with diverse groups and individuals around the globe, catering to their special needs, goals and health conditions and helping them lead a healthy life free of worry and illness. With her, there is always something for everyone. Therefore, it doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, or what you do, she can pave way for a healthier and happier you.   

Why you should choose me

Certified Diabetes Educator

She is IDEEL certified and trained in diabetes self-management education (DSME). She is able to help her patients improve blood sugar levels, cholesterol and weight. Trupti assists patients and families overcoming barriers. She is well versed in critical areas such as self monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), diet and lifestyle, blood pressure management, basic foot care, medication, insulin adjustment, ambulatory glucose monitoring, Insulin Pump, behaviour therapy and weight management, and understanding biomedical parameters. 

Certified in Advanced Nutrigenomics

In the past year, she has taken time to plunge into the emerging science of nutrigenomics. This gave her a very valuable tool to understand the underlying genetics that impacts the nutritional profile of an individual.  The advantages of using genomics as a tool are: answering the complex questions of health conditions, nutrition and fitness aspects of individuals.


1. It is a once in a lifetime test for the patient.

2. Provides a blueprint not only for nutritional requirements but also for disease risks

3. Precise information to help the patient manage complex conditions with help of nutrition.


By providing nutrigenomic reports and personalized nutrition plans based on them, Trupti will be able to help patients with science-backed input for recovery and management of their conditions. 

Certified Supplement Strategist

There are multiple factors, both dietary and environmental, that create the need for essential daily supplements. The reason could be mineral and nutrient loss, stress, medications, phase of life, individual health, food preferences or intolerances.

While we fully support the idea of “food first, supplements second”, most people could use supplements to fill in the gaps in their diet. In order to stay healthy, we need to have an optimal level of nutrients, not just enough to prevent deficiencies. Supplements aren’t meant to replace nutritious eating but rather to help ensure you are meeting your nutrient needs to be your best.
Since, the supplements you take should be unique to your individual needs, working with Trupti will help you identify the gaps in your diet and determine a supplement regimen that fits best.

Certified in OncoNutrition

One of the major challenges in the clinical management of a cancer patient is maintaining adequate nutrition during treatment. In addition, it is not uncommon for cancer therapies to severely impair a patient’s nutritional status. She has studied this certificate course in cancer nutrition with the evaluation and maintenance of cancer patients’ nutritional status. She learnt how cancer and oncological therapies affect the individual’s nutritional status for various kinds of cancer. 


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